and denniz mind your own mf business i think this person is a kid and gotta admit it i'm a kid too and you don't have to curse at anyone let alone a child that is probably younger than me and he can do anything he wants and repost anything he wants so fu and shut your trap before i shut it for you and you have 9 followers and they are probobly your family members roses are red violets are blue people like you belong in the zoo but dont be afraid i'll be there too not in the cage but laughing at you roses are red violets are blue shut the f up before me and the gang pull up on you and i'll go inside kill your boo and when all thats done i'll kill you too and yes you just got grilled by a 10 year old
you dumbfucks, they reuploaded it because the original was deleted, sure they could have gave credit but they are doing the people a service. and the same thing happened with the mario 64 with a gun game, it got deleted and someone reuploaded it after, now stop whining about a game thats not even yours,
lmao imagine pointing out a typo on the internet and thinking it has anything to do with intelligence the more i read the more moronic you sound get a life and touch grass you're clearly a Tate listening incel in your moms basement
Prequel (or sequel) to the hit game "Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine" comes Spongeglock Squarepants!
This game blends the action of a first person shooter, the boss battle of a souls-borne game, the story telling of (insert a good story telling game here), and FX of any high quality film into one compact and easy to play game!
Coming into this, I wasn't expecting to be in for the emotional ride of my life as I delved into the life of my favorite sponge. The little Easter Egg loot dropped by your fallen enemies was a nice touch, as well as the "do the sponge" song that a certain enemy can play when defeated. For what this game was, it played decently smooth (for a meme), and it kept me fairly entertained. There weren't any glitches that I could find, and not many "hidden" Easter Eggs either.
All in all if you've watched old school Spongebob, you'll get a kick out of this game
I have a problem that the ladder at Patrick's is absolutely broken and it is impossible to climb it up, it seems to continue the game and please repair the ladder because it is broken.
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i becamed black with this one!!!
wtf is true and the kingdom
i have not downloaded this game but idk if its a viru
its not at all
how do i play it
Beautiful game
and denniz mind your own mf business i think this person is a kid and gotta admit it i'm a kid too and you don't have to curse at anyone let alone a child that is probably younger than me and he can do anything he wants and repost anything he wants so fu and shut your trap before i shut it for you and you have 9 followers and they are probobly your family members roses are red violets are blue people like you belong in the zoo but dont be afraid i'll be there too not in the cage but laughing at you roses are red violets are blue shut the f up before me and the gang pull up on you and i'll go inside kill your boo and when all thats done i'll kill you too and yes you just got grilled by a 10 year old
i downloeded both of them but every time i try to download sumn i cant actually play it i think it might be because i dont have a desktop
how do you actually play this btw i'm using a chromebook with no desktop can someone please help me
this mf game just fucked my whole childhood up lol
this game is so fucking cool
nevermind it says cannot read property defined so please tell me what that means.
every time i press launch and run the exe instead of opening it pops up a index tab please help me run the game
good game
Thank you for reposting this masterpiece. I can now shoot gary with no consequences.
a baby copied mix morris's game? go kill yourself. im reporting. please stop downloading gauys, report. mixmorris made the original.
But mix morris' account on itch io got deleted i think
so? you're gonna steal someone's game?
No, but maybe he just wanted to repost it because you can't download the game from morris' page bc it doesn't exist anymore.
he could have given credit to mix morris in the description if that was it, right? but nah.
you dumbfucks, they reuploaded it because the original was deleted, sure they could have gave credit but they are doing the people a service. and the same thing happened with the mario 64 with a gun game, it got deleted and someone reuploaded it after, now stop whining about a game thats not even yours,
fuck you pussy. I'll steal whatever / want! fucking loser!
bro, this guy never said he made it. and when this is the only way to get the game stop judging
just shut the fuck up now, i posted did comment a year or two ago.
thats just the internet.. dont blame me
you did it to yourself cunt
this mixmorris shit get serious oml
how do i install
This is really sketchy
эта когда я несделал уроки игра клас
My playthrough video had an absolute blast, very dank
Guys, this is literally the copy, welp you may know it most of all.
only thing it've could be useful, that original page is deleted and can't be founded anymore.
So we have no chance instead of download it from 5 year old's page.
>stolen game
>crappy font in site
>long ass auttp http name
>girl from tru
yea just go install the game from the original creator.
you cant anymore that was the point dumm
imagine responding to my old comment lmfao + "dumm" i probably know more than you
lmao imagine pointing out a typo on the internet and thinking it has anything to do with intelligence the more i read the more moronic you sound get a life and touch grass you're clearly a Tate listening incel in your moms basement
this whole entire fanpage looks like its made by a damn 5 year old
ok then shut up and move on id be damn impressed with a 5 yo that did this
wdym by that? i didnt understand the last part lol
lol when i downloaded this the games i saw were games i played before but there was 1 that i instantly ownloaded
interactive baby Yoda
yeah but now you can't download the original
como o bob esponja pode fazer isso?
gameplay em pt-brImpressive! ❤️
pls help it crash
Prequel (or sequel) to the hit game "Mr. Krabs Overdoses on Ketamine" comes Spongeglock Squarepants!
This game blends the action of a first person shooter, the boss battle of a souls-borne game, the story telling of (insert a good story telling game here), and FX of any high quality film into one compact and easy to play game!
Coming into this, I wasn't expecting to be in for the emotional ride of my life as I delved into the life of my favorite sponge. The little Easter Egg loot dropped by your fallen enemies was a nice touch, as well as the "do the sponge" song that a certain enemy can play when defeated. For what this game was, it played decently smooth (for a meme), and it kept me fairly entertained. There weren't any glitches that I could find, and not many "hidden" Easter Eggs either.
All in all if you've watched old school Spongebob, you'll get a kick out of this game
My Playthrough:
thin gameith was ugt66yuuir ##%$^&$ nigga
Tottaly agree!
did you said the n word?
I have a problem that the ladder at Patrick's is absolutely broken and it is impossible to climb it up, it seems to continue the game and please repair the ladder because it is broken.
How to play on Android?
you cannot play this game on android because this game was written for computers.
mr krack needs you to collect debt
this is the game i was searching for my whole life a spongebob shooter
just perfection